10 Commandments of Corn Planting
1. Plant in the dust and your bins will bust, Plant in the mud and your crops a dud.
2. Slow Down! (or SpeedTube up)
3. G.O.A.L. = Get Out And Look!
The best thing to see in your field is your shadow.
4. Better to be a week late than a day early.
5. The Sins of your planter will haunt you all year.
6. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
7. Flag test your emergence. Don’t guess at performance, measure it then manage it.
8. If you absolutely must run your planter early, go plant beans.
9. Don’t know when to plant? Watch the neighbors and plant between the crazies and the lazies.
10. Don’t plant by the calendar. Plant by conditions.
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